Card # 1. The Significator: You, now- the
10 of cups -
This card indicates that you are feeling happy
and satisfied right now, your cups
runneth over. You are radiating fulfillment and harmony.
Affirmation: Life gives me all I need to be happy.
Card # 2. What is Influencing you,
what you are Receptive to - the 4 Wands-
Spiritual power
in a balanced way. The circle is full and complete.
You are entering a new creative phase in your life and relationships.
Affirmation: Completing things makes me free for
new beginnings.
Card # 3. The Integration Card: The
Hanged Man, Major Arcana Card # 12
The Hanged Man
shows that you need to surrender your ego, your hang ups. You cannot
avoid seeing the Truth anymore.You must trust emotionally that the Universe is taking care of it for you,
no need to fight and struggle. Things don't look the way you expected them to
but Trust. Affirmation: I let go, realise, follow
and accept the Divine will in my life revealing itself to me step
by step.
Card # 4.
What is Conscious: The Aeon, or Judgement, Major Arcana Card
# 20
This card is the card of rebirth. Let go of your of judgements,
by letting go of prejudice, means to pre-judge about your self,
your limitations, someone else, your situation, you allow yourself
to be free, reborn, with new energy, integrity and spirit.
The Aeon card point to a need for well thought out
judgement of the situation. All parts of you must be included in
this process. You need to see things from a higher perspective.
What judgements are you holding onto that are limiting you from
being free? Affirmation: The more I know that I don't know, the
closer I am to the Divine.
Card # 5. What's in your Unconscious:
The Empress, Goddess or Great Mother, Major Arcana # 3 The Empress, is the Great Fertilizing
and Birth Giving Mother of All. She is the foundation in this reading.
You nuture and give form to Beauty
in all its manifestations. You are a fount of Love and harmony.
You embody the Goddess as Venus, giver of Love. Your family,and
children are the bedrock of your life. You are beautiful and strong
and surround yourself and others with beauty, you walk in Beauty,
you surround yourself in Beauty. What are you pregnant with deep
within yourself? What part of you is waiting to be born? What new
creations are you about to bear?
Affirmation: I am filled with power,Beauty
and Love.I joyously give birth to the new.
Card # 6. The Past. - the 8 of Cups,
8's are connected to the principles of
courage and self-esteem:
The 8 of Cups shows tiredness, exhaustion.
Giving too much of yourself and not receiving equal energy in return.
The need to consider yourself a little more. You need to go deep
within yourself to regenerate your energies. Don't give your emotions
where they will not be received well.
Affirmation: I love myself and open myself
to receive equally in return.
Card # 7. Environment, Outer Self: - 8
You express your energies creatively once
you have found a focus. You dynamically release your inspirations
and idealism towards a goal with assurance that you will succeed.
Your enthusiasm can sweep people off their feet. Freedom of speech
and personal expression is vital to you, then your imagination can
flow unchecked. You are involved with lots of networking and communications.
There needs to be clear communications and thinking that is connected
to the big picture, higher aspirations, expansion. Travel, education,
inspirational communication is where you are headed. Affirmation:
My openess and self-confidence opens the hearts of those I love.
Card # 8. Inner Self, Home: - 5 Disks
-all 5's are connected to teaching, learning
and challenges;
You are worried about a physical situation,
money or health. You are stuck, challenged or frustrated. This card's
gift is to help you to progress towards your goals. The key is to
get in touch with your Higher Self , Guardian Angel, then you will
know what to do. Affirmation: I am getting my life in order.
Card # 9. Hopes and Fears Position: Prince
of Disks- Taurus
You are hard working on manifesting all
the riches of the physical plane. You stick to schedules,
are obstinate, and take great pleasure in luxury, sensuality, beauty,
the arts and music. You need to harness your physical energy. You
are building your financial goals, and tools surely and steadily.
You are afraid of change. The Prince of Disks symbolizes a youthful
masculine energy. In the hopes and fears position this signifies
that you love what you do and are afraid to lose it. The question
is, "Is my work totally satisfying to me? "
Card # 10. the Future: Death, or ReBirth, Major
Arcana # 13, Principle of Life Force and Realization.
The Death card is nothing to be afraid
of. It is a card signifying Rebirth. With every birth there
is also a death. For example when a woman gives birth to a child,
she dies to her old nature as a single person. In the context
of this reading your future is about to change dramatically
and a new life beginning. Death as the symbol of Scorpio is about
regeneration, power. What do you need to let go of, to change in
order to realize your power?
Affirmation: I live life to the fullest.
I am most powerful when I can let go.
You are about to be born anew,
parts of you are emotionally and physically exhausted and stuck.
You need a vacation, a renewal time, a change of perspective. You
are a very hard worker and afraid to slow down. You are strong willed
and dynamic, very focussed on the physical plane. You must learn
to let go. There may be health issues looming
if you don't slow down. Allow yourself to create a new direction
in your life. You are going to be 50. A whole new life is starting.